Identity Crisis Page 13
When she’d climbed the steps to the Chosen House today, she hadn’t cringed, hadn’t immediately flashed back to that horrible day when she was twelve, hadn’t wondered if those inside would sneer at her. You’re becoming respectable. Argamon, she was starting to see herself as respectable. Jayne Thompson, Joined for over two years, in love with two Chosens, mama to two daughters, and discussing the possibility of painting a mural at the infirmary. Her personal and outward identities were changing, but she’d never forget the desert she’d wandered alone for all those years, or stop being grateful for the women at her side.
The Chosen Tradition was precious. Her parents had deserved their fate. She’d tell Eleanor and Kat as much, when they asked. As if reading her mind, Eleanor squirmed and yawned. Jayne gazed down at her.
“I hope she stays that quiet for the ceremony,” Mo said.
Jayne nodded, then smiled when Lesley broke away from a conversation with Karen and joined them. “I’m glad they’ll only be gone for a few days,” Lesley said.
“Wait until they go to the Indoctrination Academy,” Karen murmured as she passed by them on her way to William.
“We might not mind as much by then,” Mo said, to chuckles.
Jayne watched Lesley make a face at Eleanor. Last week, she’d expected Lesley to be on edge today, but Lesley’s attitude and mood had changed since Russell’s visit. It had taken a stranger’s observation to drive home what those closest to Lesley had told her for weeks. Jayne couldn’t be cross with her. Carol and her Chosens had always complimented her drawings, but she hadn’t truly believed she had talent until Joanna had reached out to her. She still had her doubts, but a tiny part of her was hoping that she’d find herself in the infirmary’s pediatric waiting area, painting balloons.
“Time to take your daughter back,” Michael bellowed, carrying over a crying Kat. Clucks of sympathy mingled with cooing voices as Michael transferred Kat into Lesley’s arms.
Adelaide leaned over Kat and shook a rattle. “You’re going first, aren’t you? Because you’re older. Yes, you’re older.”
Officially, Kat was sixteen minutes older. Unofficially, it didn’t matter. Jayne had already stopped thinking about Kat’s origins. The screaming daughter in Lesley’s arms was Kat Thompson, and about to be introduced to the Chosen Council.
When the Chosen Council member who’d receive the twins strode into the room, Kat was still crying. “Don’t worry about it,” Council Member Jessica Roberts said to Lesley. “I’m used to crying babies.” Roberts strode to the front of the room. Everyone—except Kat—quieted down as two assistants carried in a pair of basinets and placed them on the wooden table behind Roberts. “Shall we begin?” Roberts said.
With her Chosens and daughters, Jayne moved to the centre of the room and self-consciously watched everyone form a circle around them. Her vision blurred. Being surrounded by familiar and friendly faces was still a novelty. It wasn’t only Carol and Ronald anymore. Jayne looked for Carol and bit her lip when she spotted her. She felt Mo’s hand on her arm. Kat’s cries faltered.
“Let us say the Words,” Roberts said.
Jayne looked down at Eleanor. “Disobedience means death,” everyone intoned. “Death to those who commit a Chosen Violation. Death to those who disobey. Death to those who violate the Way. Death to those who violate the Way. Death to those who violate the Way!” Only Mo was able to clap along with the others. Oh dear, now Eleanor was crying.
Roberts grinned. “I never know which way it’s going to go after saying the Words. Some babies cry, others quiet down. I see we have both cases here.” She let go of her neighbours’ hands to break the circle. Everyone else remained in place. “It is my pleasure and privilege to welcome two new Rymellans to the Chosen House and to receive them on behalf of the Chosen Council. Let us witness the daughters of Lesley, Ramona, and Jayne Thompson taking their first step toward following the Way.” Roberts beamed at Lesley. “Will you introduce me to your oldest daughter?”
“I will.” Lesley stepped forward and carefully handed Kat to Roberts.
Roberts smiled down at her. “Who am I holding?”
“You are holding Katherine Thompson,” Lesley said.
“And who are you?” Roberts asked.
With moist eyes and a lump in her throat, Jayne listened as Lesley replied, sounding both proud and humbled, “I am Katherine’s mama.”
Other titles by Sarah Ettritch at
The Deiform Fellowship Series
Threaded Through Time
The Salbine Sisters
The Missing Comatose Woman
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